USA 5350
Germany 3582
China 1831
Greece 1654
France 1564
The Russian Federation 1489
Italy 1333
Mexico 1267
United Kingdom 1076
Poland 874
Brazil 859
Spain 789
Australia 595
The Netherlands 555
The Philippines 545
Argentina 479
Romania 406
India 390
Switzerland 374
Turkey 340
Belgium 255
Hungary 245
Austria 243
Chile 230
The United Arab Emirates 228
Uganda 226
Portugal 224
Indonesia 209
Bulgaria 203
Colombia 201
Croatia 200
Ukraine 183
Czechia 183
Denmark 183
New Zealand 168
Sweden 159
Japan 146
Afghanistan 135
Bosnia And Herzegovina 126
Ireland 124
Ecuador 114
Slovakia 112
South Africa 102
Norway 101
Finland 99
Taiwan Province Of China 80
Slovenia 79
Morocco 72
The Dominican Republic 69
Thailand 68
The Republic Of Korea 67
Latvia 56
Senegal 56
Estonia 55
Montenegro 55
Lithuania 55
Pakistan 51
Uruguay 51
Bolivia 50
Kazakhstan 47
Kenya 47
Malaysia 46
Egypt 45
Belarus 44
Guatemala 44
Nepal 43
Algeria 42
Sri Lanka 41
Costa Rica 40
Nigeria 40
Lebanon 38
Singapore 38
Bolivarian Republic Of Venezuela 38
Islamic Republic Of Iran 31
Albania 30
El Salvador 29
Mali 29
Vietnam 29
Syrian Arab Republic 28
United Republic Of Tanzania 27
Puerto Rico 27
Cyprus 27
Honduras 26
Cuba 25
Gibraltar 24
Paraguay 24
Luxembourg 22
Iceland 21
Jamaica 21
Bangladesh 20
Jordan 19
Republic Of North Macedonia 19
Ghana 18
Nicaragua 17
Ethiopia 16
Georgia 16
Angola 16
Kuwait 15
Haiti 14
Trinidad And Tobago 14
Iraq 14
The Democratic Republic Of The Congo 14
Grenada 12
State Of Palestine 12
Kosovo 12
Namibia 11
Rwanda 11
Armenia 11
Qatar 10
Mauritius 10
Zambia 9
Barbados 8
Benin 8
American Samoa 8
Fiji 7
French Polynesia 7
Aruba 7
Saint Lucia 7
Bahrain 7
Bermuda 7
Oman 7
Cambodia 7
Sierra Leone 6
Togo 6
Uzbekistan 6
Malawi 5
The Faroe Islands 5
Monaco 5
Libya 5
US Virgin Islands 4
Zimbabwe 4
Cameroon 4
Papua New Guinea 4
Coted Ivoire 4
Andorra 4
Cabo Verde 4
Saint Vincent And The Grenadines 4
The Cayman Islands 4
Suriname 3
Guadeloupe 3
Guyana 3
San Marino 3
Guam 3
Guinea 3
Belize 3
Mozambique 3
The Bahamas 3
Tajikistan 3
Burundi 2
Antigua And Barbuda 2
Saint Kitts And Nevis 2
The Falkland Islands Malvinas 2
Yemen 2
The Central African Republic 2
Vanuatu 1
Gabon 1
Tonga 1
Dominica 1
Guernsey 1
The Congo 1
Kyrgyzstan 1
Brunei Darussalam 1
Eswatini 1